The Priest: Readers’ Reviews
Great Feedback on The Priest
“A fun, deliciously scandalous…depiction of queers in the clergy.”—Kirkus Reviews
“Brown’s prose straddles the vigorous, the poignant, and the sordid in equal measure, particularly during moments when Jared embraces his wild side and when Paul’s faith is tested against his deeply felt attraction to Jared…Though the characters lose some of their early allure, a surprise twist revives things. Brown channels his former vocation as a minister and spiritual director into creating a narrative that is authentically pious but riddled with sex and shocking secrets. For readers of queer romance yarns, this novel will satisfy on several levels as an engrossing, modern tale of faith versus freedom and feelings.”—Kirkus Reviews

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! An intriguing story. I had a hard time putting it down as I couldn’t wait to see what happened next. Kept me in suspense for sure. Characters are well developed – appealing and scary and often at the same time. Great surprises in the end too. Reminds us that religious positions are jobs and professions just like non-religious ones. We are all fallible humans at our core, which makes for good storytelling! Large faiths are an amalgam of light and dark. There is the wholesome good that draws people in as believers and the bad that takes advantage of them at times. We Are Not Saints -The Priest is a book of light and dark that exposes the whole range of human emotion. It is touching and sentimental, carnal, and at times, disturbing. The author captures this story with a fine grasp of staging and wonderfully sculpted characters. It’s a quick and satisfying read and yet makes you wonder what could possibly happen next. The lightness and darkness of this novel play wonderfully with and against each other page after page. —Tony Forest
Large faiths are an amalgam of light and dark. There is the wholesome good that draws people in as believers and the bad that takes advantage of them at times. We Are Not Saints -The Priest is a book of light and dark that exposes the whole range of human emotion. It is touching and sentimental, carnal, and at times, disturbing. The author captures this story with a fine grasp of staging and wonderfully sculpted characters. It’s a quick and satisfying read and yet makes you wonder what could possibly happen next. The lightness and darkness of this novel play wonderfully with and against each other page after page. —Dino Alzadon
This is a must to read. I have read it many times and bought it to share with others. Having not been raised Catholic but had friends who did I was always curious and felt that Priests were put on a pedestal but in time learned they are human. This would be a great movie. —Elaine Mauri
I have four friends that want to read it. I’m not much of a reader guy, but I can’t put this book down!!! I’m extremely impressed with all of it. I cannot wait to read The Acolyte. —Kelly Long