Lecture Series 2025

Session 1: The Quantum Universe

In this first session, we’re going to consider how human beings interface with the universe that makes up the world of our experience. We’ll see how our perception differs from what we might call “the reality.” What appears to us as a fixed and static world is anything but. How can our spirituality deal with a relativistic world?

Questions for Discussion
1. Have you had any experience with fundamentalist thinking? If so, what was it about? How did it make you feel? How did it affect how you felt about spirituality? About religion?
2. Uncertainty avoidance (“what is different is dangerous”) is common among fundamentalist thinkers. What are your thoughts about living in a relativistic universe where nothing is certain? How do you feel about it?
3. Law and religion have been used to help people manage their decisions about right and wrong, the present and the future. Does living in a relativistic universe change how you think about these things? If so, how?

Due to technical difficulties, the speaker’s video feed failed to record. The audio portion and some of the questions and answers are available here.

Session 2: How does it all fit together?

Session 3: What do we know?

Session 4: Why Spirituality?

Session 5: Isn’t Religion made up?

Session 6: Quantum Spirituality