We Are Not Saints: The Priest (Soft Cover, Signed)
Under the collar, even priests are human... Newly-ordained Father Jared Röhrbach is obsessed with becoming a bishop not only for the power and prestige, but to prove that he can challenge the rules, and win. He has left one obstacle behind him: his stepmother, Hannah, and her attempts to block him from the ministry; and one still ahead of him, Father Paul Fortis, the man who loves him.
His determination to advance has already cost him his family, so his relationship with Paul (and a clandestine one with male escort, Tony Keating) provide the only intimacy that remains in his life.
When their bishop, Clarence Mickleson receives promotion to a new assignment, and the powerful Vatican cardinal Romero has his eyes on them both, Jared knows he’ll have to outdo Paul one way or another if he is to have a chance at being appointed the bishop's successor. As Jared’s secrets leak out, he becomes desperate not to let this one chance of winning pass him by. His determination to succeed, even if it means betraying Paul, leads him unwittingly to commit an unthinkable crime.
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